Justice, Kindness and Compassion: the Road to Veganism

Justice, Kindness and Compassion: the Road to Veganism

Vegans are a very passionate bunch. I have not yet met one, either in person or on social media or in published works, who is lackadaisical about his or her truth and commitment to actively advocating on behalf of all enslaved species. I guess the “modern” equivalent for lackadaisical would be “Meh!” or “Whatever!” However,  passion in a high stakes endeavor such as this brings with it a difference of opinion about how best to accomplish our goal of witnessing …

Plant Based Baked Beans

Plant Based Baked Beans

It is that time of the year when those of us who celebrate Christmas are rolling out all the animal fat and sugar laden foods. Eating pigs and their parts is an ignominious tradition indulged in by many. So, let’s talk about beans and the ham hock. The definition is as follows.

A ham hock or pork knuckle is the joint between the tibia/fibula and the metatarsals of the foot, where the foot was attached to the …

The Ellen Controversy and Veganism

The Ellen Controversy and Veganism

So,  Ellen DeGeneres is back in the news with the announcement of her new clothing and shoe collection. She is in the proverbial lentil soup, seemingly for using leather and merino wool in these lines. As we all know, it is definitely not okay for vegans  to buy, use or promote these cruelty born “products”. This is not the first time Ellen and her confusing messages about her veganism have come spinning onto my radar. I wrote a …

Veganism: A Universal Truth and Collaborative Effort

Veganism: A Universal Truth and Collaborative Effort

While developing and writing for my website over the nearly last two years, I have come to understand that veganism is not a lifestyle, a belief, a fad, a diet, a personal choice or any of the labels used to describe a way of living and being that many still think of as extreme. This way of living and being on this earth is born of the horrific and undeniable facts surrounding our cruel meat eating cultures that have fostered …

Speciesism, Anthropocentrism and Animal Rights Vigils

Speciesism, Anthropocentrism and Animal Rights Vigils


Speciesism,  as I understand it, shares similarities with  anthropocentrism,   the definition of which is explained by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson in his book,  “When Elephants Weep:The Emotional Lives of Animals”

Anthropocentrism treats animals as  inferior forms of people and denies what they really are. It reflects a passionate wish to differentiate ourselves from animals, to make animals other, presumably in order to maintain humans at the top of the evolutionary hierarchy and the food chain. The notion that animals are …

Kadatz Evasive in CBC Interview about 4 Horses Dead at The Calgary Stampede!

Kadatz Evasive in CBC Interview about 4 Horses Dead at The Calgary Stampede!

The idea for my post about The Calgary Stampede came from my friend and fellow vegan, Karen Messier.  She is a passionate supporter of the  rights of nonhuman animals  and she becomes particularly and justifiably indignant when it comes to other species being used for the supposed entertainment of humans. She calls it a rant and it is here that I beg to differ with her. Depending on the online dictionary one chooses  to check, a rant can be classified …