Vegan Annie

This is my name when I am blogging about veganism, animal rights advocacy and activism. The Vegan is self explanatory. My given name is Anne, but feel free to call me Annie if you like. Just don’t call me “Deary” as my mother used to say. She hated being called “Deary”, but I digress.
I am, like all of us, a work in progress. I learned from my mother the importance of family. Her number one lesson was that charity begins at home. I took this message very much to heart and spent much of my energy in this pursuit – in my original family, with my friends who became family and with my own personal family.
But how inclusive is the definition of what makes a home? Can it and should it include other nations (species) who are currently enslaved and hunted for our wants, not needs? For me and for all my fellow vegans, the answer is yes!
I have spent much of my life looking for justice for unprotected, the abused, the maligned, but I did not understand or recognize my complicity in the ongoing exploitation of other species for our wants, not needs. Now that I understand, my passion is animal rights and education and my goal is to see the dawn of a vegan world where all species are respected and free.
About me and About my Likes

I was born into a family of five children-boy, boy, girl (me) girl, girl. My family is originally from a farming community in Southwestern Ontario. We moved to Newmarket, Ontario when I was three before moving five years later to Farnham, Quebec.
I remember from a very young age, loving to be around little children, so it made sense to me to become a teacher and that is what I did. But my real dream came true when I became a mother to one little boy and then one little girl-two of the loves of my life. I taught Kindergarten and then English to Adults at a local CEGEP (evenings only). Later on I opened a catering business with “Littlest Sister”. When that closed, I worked part time in a picture shop in order to contribute to the family income. I have also helped my husband out in his business as a decorating consultant and bookkeeper (I hated that job!).
But mostly, I cared for my children, took care of my home and planned celebratory events for my personal and extended family. I like to garden, cook, bake, sew, golf, play bridge, throw parties and above all, spend time with my family. And I love to write about veganism and the growing social movement to liberate all species caught in our various death for profit industries.
May all beings be happy and free.