At the end of each of my posts, you will find either Grammie Annie’s Vegan Views or Grammie Annie’s Handy Kitchen Tips.

In the first, you will find thoughts of encouragement and guidance on being kind and compassionate in a non-vegan world. In the second, you will find, well, handy hints about cooking in a vegan kitchen.

Here are some favorites which may be changed from time to time! Variety can make for reflection about our place on this earth! Enjoy!!!

This Vegan’s Views About Wants and Needs

Annie’s Vegan View

wants and needs 5I know that many of my needs are really just wants.

I know that much of the human population is not having the most basic of needs met.

I know that farmed animals may have enough food to eat, but live in deplorable conditions without agency over their own lives and have the  manner of their life and  death prescribed by a cruel meat eating culture.

I know now that choosing to be vegan is a choice that is really a need!

Choose vegan.

May all beings be happy and free.


This Vegan Gets Sad

Annie’s Vegan View

Wants and needs 7I have always said that being vegan and advocating for vulnerable beings is not about us or for us.

So, I feel a little ashamed that I let my feelings get the best of me when these dolphins and other beings have suffered and continue to suffer so much more.

There was a time when I was less sad, because I simply did not know.

But, the door of ignorance has been closed and I can no longer dwell behind it.

Nor, would I want to. It is still better to know.

Once we know the truth. we must not turn away!

Therein lies our own salvation and that of the nonhuman animals being enslaved and used for our wants, not needs!!

May all beings be happy and free.


Cruelty Free and Vegan Pedicures

Annie’s Vegan View

May 06 02As consumers, we hold the key to change.

If we all shunned products that are not cruelty free and vegan, companies would take notice lickety-split. They need our money to survive and thrive.

There are sites out there that will guide you through the process of finding products that are not made through the suffering of nonhuman animals.

It takes a little time but it is worth it. I promise you, your contribution will make you feel good about yourself, as it did me.

May all beings be happy and free.


I Am Vegan Because____________!

Annie’s Vegan View

June 22 02Asking the difficult questions can be freeing for oneself and illuminating for others.

While standing alone with conviction  remember to celebrate if  you are joined by even one other voice. Two voices speaking in unison is one hundred percent stronger than one.

Reflection can bring clarity.

I say proudly, that “I am vegan because of and for all the little piggies and nonhumans who suffer at our hands for our wants!”

May all beings be happy and free.
