Compassionate Consumption: Cherry Tomato and Chickpea Stir-fry

Compassionate Consumption: Cherry Tomato and Chickpea Stir-fry

With summer on the wane and fall around the corner, thoughts turn to hearty rib sticking foods that remind us of northern winter days when the snow swirls and the crisp cold air leaves its mark on the rosy cheeks of children and adults alike. But before we get to the time when we must buy all of our fruits and veggies in the cold, over wrapped packages and industrialized aisles of the supermarket, we have an opportunity to gather …

This Vegan’s Views About Wants And Needs

This Vegan’s Views About Wants And Needs

A year and a half ago, I wrote this article about our perceived wants and needs and how they tie in with veganism and the AR movement. While I have evolved in my views since becoming vegan and more recently, an AR activist, these words still ring very true for me. For this reason, I am re posting for your perusal.  Comments and thoughts are always greatly appreciated.

Originally Posted on Oct 20, 2014

I am not sure, after a very busy …

Here Comes Vegan Peter Cottontail

Here Comes Vegan Peter Cottontail

Tradition is defined as:

The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication.

Man, if I had a nickel for every time I heard the word “tradition” around holiday time, multiplied by my days on this earth thus far, I would be rich!  Well, maybe not rich considering the cost of living and the peckish health of the Canadian dollar at this moment, but a little bit richer, monetarily speaking.  People, myself included, …

Sweet Potato rice – Plant Based and Vegan Goodness

Sweet Potato rice – Plant Based and Vegan Goodness

I am a fair to middling cook/baker and have been known on occasion to experiment, depending on what is in my cupboard and fridge at the time. When I feel like cooking, I usually make three of four dishes at a time so that I can enjoy the convenience of having on hand what my daughter lovingly used to refer to as “leftunders”.  This is especially true at holiday and special occasion time when I am putting together menus and …

Plant Based Baked Beans

Plant Based Baked Beans

It is that time of the year when those of us who celebrate Christmas are rolling out all the animal fat and sugar laden foods. Eating pigs and their parts is an ignominious tradition indulged in by many. So, let’s talk about beans and the ham hock. The definition is as follows.

A ham hock or pork knuckle is the joint between the tibia/fibula and the metatarsals of the foot, where the foot was attached to the …

Traditions and a Vegan Thanksgiving!

Traditions and a Vegan Thanksgiving!

Ah yes, we Canadians eh!, always jumping to the front of the line. Not only did we celebrate our Thanksgiving more than a month before our fellow North Americans to the south, truth be told, many years ago we actually borrowed the holiday and tradition from them. But what is a holiday or two among friends? So, since we have already celebrated this day of Thankfulness and Gratitude, I thought I would share a few ideas that may inspire those …