How did a whole year go by without me noticing? Well, I did notice, I just couldn’t seem to make it less busy, even though I think how I spend my time should be a little bit more under my control. A lot of it I bring on myself with grandiose plans that don’t match up with the time available to me. Not recommending this way of functioning – definitely going to think about planning a bit better in the New Year. But for the moment, let’s see exactly how my year did shape up while I was running around like a cuckoo person.
My Advocacy in 2018
1) Happy Tails Farm Sanctuary – volunteered at ValenSwine Fundraiser and Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser.
2) March to Close Down All Slaughterhouses in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
3) Nation Rising March in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
4) Visited Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary with two of my grandchildren.
5) Researched, wrote and published articles on my website.
6) Advocated online with Digital Vegan Activists.
7) Mentored for Challenge 22+.
8) Supported on Patreon – Ren Hurst and Jo-Anne McArthur of We Animals, as well as making donations to other worthy animal liberation causes.
9) Attended Veg Dinners organized by my friend Karen Messier, as well as a Vegan Potluck at La Ferme de l’Aube.
10) Organized and executed with my friend Claude Lynn Leger, a Pop-Up Veg Kiosque at the Beaconsfield Pet Fair where we sold out of vegan food. The proceeds of 560.00$ were donated to Animatch, a local rescue in need.
11) Donated handmade vegan cookies to a local pet store raising funds for Animatch.
12) Hosted a Vegan Potluck at my home. Unfortunately the weather did not co-operate this past February, so not everyone made it. Better luck next year.
13) Attended a London Chicken Save Slaughterhouse Vigil with the dedicated event organizer, Abby McCuaig.

Weird! This is the first time I have actually made a list of my advocacy. I always have this sneaking suspicion that I am not doing enough. If you feel this way, make a list of your own. Even one thing on the list benefits the animals for whom we all advocate. Please don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Please allow me to take a moment to acknowledge some of my amazing vegan friends who have had a positive impact this year on how I think and how I advocate and how I plan to advocate moving forward. This is not an exhaustive list by any means, as I thank all the committed and passionate advocates out there.
My Inspiration List:
Ren Hurst, Claudie Claudette, Claude Lynn Léger, Karen Messier, Mary Candor, James Videle, Mélanie Bernier, Robert L. Chretien, Melanie Blake, Rachel Weightman, Sena Crutchley…….
And of course, eternal gratitude goes to my ever loving family who are my everything and who inspire me to keep on learning how to “be” on this planet we all call home!!!
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year” or so the song goes.

My husband and I host a Christmas Party every year, barring unforeseen personal circumstances. We have been doing this for years, not really sure how many, but long before we became vegan. We continue the tradition with plant powered food and beverages and welcome into our home people who mean the world to us. One good friend said that our party starts off the holiday season with a bang. I like that.

Yes, it is a lot of work. I decorate the house beforehand, wash all the dishes for our 40-50 guests, fret over the menu, buy all the ingredients and make 99% of the food. Thank goodness for freezers. I make too much food and buy too many beverages but am happy to share any leftovers with family members who sleep over. You know who you are!! But don’t feel sorry for me, the person who takes all of this on. I do have help. My husband does the stuff I put on his list, people will often contribute a dish and we hire two people to help the night of the party. It all works out!!!! And it truly is a pleasure for me to see so many people enjoying themselves, chatting with one another, laughing and picking and choosing what to eat and drink from the various plant based offerings on the table.
My 2018 Party Menu:
1) Snack Platters featuring plant based cheeses, veggie paté, fruit and dried fruit, candied ginger, fig jam, crackers, olives, marinated mushrooms, nuts……
2) Handmade Christmas crackers – olive oil infused pieces of bread cut into festive shapes and baked until crispy.
3) Baked Almond Feta
4) Various Plant Based Dips with Chips and Tortilla Chips
5) Accidentally Vegan Spring Rolls (purchased)
6) Vegan Chex Mix
7) Broccoli Xmas Tree and other crudités with an onion dip
Main Meal:
1) Baked Beans
2) Lasagna
3) Potato Salad
4) Kale and Red Cabbage Slaw (compliments of my daughter)
5) Veggie Paté
6) Peas and Carrots
7) Ethiopian Injera (purchased from a local market)
1) Vegan Ginger Molasses Cookies
2) Mocha Crinkle Snaps (veganized with plant based butter and flaxmeal instead of eggs)
3) Applesauce Ginger Cake
4) Vegan Lemon Pound Cake
5) Shortbread
6) Butterscotch Oat Thins
7) Date Squares
8) Rum Balls ( I use real rum and dip balls in melted chocolate)
9) Chocolate Santa and pieces of dark chocolate
10) Raspberry Almond Thumbprint Cookies
11) Vegan Irish Cream Liqueur
“Helping the Environment” Tips:
Once all the vegan victuals are taken care of, let’s all give some thought to reducing our consumption at Christmas and other festive holidays:
1) If buying prepared food from a caterer, ask if you can bring in your own dishes to be filled on site.
2) Check online Marketplaces for gently used and pre-owned items to give as gifts.
3) Make homemade food as gifts.
3) Use your own dishes, cutlery and glasware instead of disposable.
4) Wrap your gifts in reusable fabric and ribbon.
5) Ask guests to make a donation to a Women’s Shelter or Animal Sanctuary, for instance, instead of bringing hostess gifts.
Annie’s Vegan View
Make it big, make it small
Make it lots of work or no trouble at all
The goal is to laugh, to share and to hug
Bringing people together to share plant powered grub.
Happy Holidays with love and good cheer – from my Vegan Kitchen.
Veganism, for the animals, for the planet, for humans.
Peace to one and to all.
May all beings be happy and free.
Thank you for sharing 🙂 What a year you had!!! WOW! can’t wait to spend time with you very soon, love Mélanie xxxx
Me too! Wishing you and Jimmy a wonderful holiday time with family.
Take care.
Happy Holidays! You sure did have a busy year! Your Christmas party sounds like a wonderful time! And thanks for sharing the recipes – I’m not kidding, my stomach actually started growling when I was reading over your menu and before I’d sat down I didn’t feel hungry. 😃 I’ll check out more of the links you shared that I didn’t get to open yet. I’m so glad you and your grandchildren got to go see Esther and her family! This was a rough year for them, huh? SO glad that Esther is OK again!
It was nice to see this post as the year comes to a close and a new one starts. Happy New Year, in advance.
Hi Krissa,
Good to hear from you as always. Yes, it has been a busy year. thank you for the positive comments about my menu. It was a lot of fun putting it together.
Yes, the visit to HEEFS was wonderful and I am not sure why some years are more challenging than others, but that just seems to be the way it is.
Looking forward to another year of “being” on this planet, seeing what we can all do to make it a more peaceful place for everyone.
Happy holidays to you.
Take care,