KnockOut: Slave of the Calèche (Carriage) Industry in Old Montréal

KnockOut: Slave of the Calèche (Carriage) Industry in Old Montréal

The only being who was not a willing participant in the Anti-Calèche (Carriage) demonstration this past Sunday in Vieux Montreal, is KnockOut, the horse. He is a  handsome, large fellow, weighing in at 1800 pounds. Judging from his golden coat and whitish mane, I would hazard a guess that KnockOut is a Palomino.

He arrived about half an hour after the protestors who, equipped with their signs, determination and fervor, began to congregate at Place Vauquelin, situated in the heart of …

Jane Goodall: Pinup Girl for Vegetarianism and Sustainability

Jane Goodall: Pinup Girl for Vegetarianism and Sustainability

It was, in a sense, a fundraiser, an event I usually hate (mild description) to attend. This dislike hearkens back to my earlier days as the wife of a business man who was often obligated to attend these dress up events, to which I would be dragged along. Typically we would eat a fancy, over the top dinner, bid in a silent auction and hobnob with people we hardly knew. I always had this uneasy feeling that it would be …

This Vegan’s Views About Wants And Needs

This Vegan’s Views About Wants And Needs

A year and a half ago, I wrote this article about our perceived wants and needs and how they tie in with veganism and the AR movement. While I have evolved in my views since becoming vegan and more recently, an AR activist, these words still ring very true for me. For this reason, I am re posting for your perusal.  Comments and thoughts are always greatly appreciated.

Originally Posted on Oct 20, 2014

I am not sure, after a very busy …