Don’t you just love it when people speak in a direct, but knowledgeable manner? I encounter a lot flowery language and big words out there, explaining this and that, presumably to inform. I think that sometimes the author, speaker, etc. just likes to feel important about himself or herself, by using the fanciest and most confusing language ever to explain what could be a simple concept. I have no proof of this, but it is a personal vexation of mine (I was going to use pet peeve here, but since I am trying to change my language to be more respectful and reflective of the moral status of nonhuman beings, I am using a synonym that I looked up-it sounds a bit old-timey, but couldn’t find anything else).
So, it should come as no surprise to those of you who know Colleen Patrick-Goudreau and her work for nonhuman beings, that she is on the top of my list of direct, clear, informative messengers of all things vegan.
Her mission is as follows:
I want to be remembered as someone who inspired people to be the best they could be: the healthiest, most joyful, most articulate ambassadors of compassion possible in order to prevent animals from being used, violated, and killed. I want to be remembered as someone who shifted the paradigm.
See!-look at that, nothing fancy, confusing or complex-just her truth for all to read and understand.
Elle, a vegan friend of mine, sent me this link recently of a lecture/talk given by Colleen, the title of which is From Excuse-itarian to Vegan. I have purchased and read all of Colleen’s books, but had never listened to a presentation of hers, and I must say that I enjoyed it immensely. I encourage everyone to take the time to watch it if you haven’t already done so. Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who was there at the event.
Here is a little teaser for you-a little synopsis of some of the information presented in this lecture.
Vegan myths become excuses:
Myth: We need to use nonhuman animals as food in order to obtain the nutrients needed to thrive.
Truth: Real source of nutrition comes from the plants that the nonhumans eat. Eating plants eliminates the saturated fat and toxins contained in the flesh and secretions of nonhuman beings. Calcium, for instance, is a mineral found in the soil and in the grass that cows eat. Farmed cows are not fed grass, but rather grain and soy. The industry remedies this by feeding cows calcium supplements.
Myth: In the dairy industries, cows do not die.
Truth:There is no such thing as a slaughter free nonhuman animal industry. The “dairy” cows will be slaughtered for meat around the age of four when their milk production has declined and they are no longer profitable. Cows are impregnated using artificial insemination, and their babies are stolen from them at birth in order for mother cows to be able to lactate.
Myth: We need to eat fish in order to obtain Essential Omega 3 Fatty Acids.
Truth: Omega 3’s are contained in the algae, plankton and plant eating animals eaten by carnivorous salmon. Toxins and saturated fat are found in both farmed and wild salmon. The oceans are being depleted daily for no need.
Myth: We need to eat protein from nonhuman animals in order not to suffer from protein deficiency.
Truth: Protein deficiency (kwashiorkor) is found only in countries where there is widespread starvation. Here we have diseases of excess like cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
Myth: When humans are weaned, we must continue to drink the milk of another species in order to thrive.
Truth: It is ironic that the babies of the these species have already moved on to eating food(grass). As adults, we would be disgusted to eat products like cheese if it was made from human milk. The absorption rate of calcium is 30% from nonhuman milk and 50-60% from plants.
Myth: Lactose intolerance is a disorder.
Truth: We stop producing lactase when we have no more need of our mother’s milk. It is a normal, biological process.
Myth: Chopping veggies takes a lot of time.
Truth: The problem is not that we don’t have the time, but rather that we do not use our time wisely.
Myth: As vegans, we make people uncomfortable by talking about our beliefs
Truth: People are often more receptive than we think. To remain silent is to perpetuate violence against nonhuman beings.
Colleen says,
We need to speak our truth in a kind and compassionate way without being attached to how that truth will affect another person.
And in closing:
We all make a difference every day in the purchases we make. These purchases have either a positive or a negative impact. There are no neutral actions.
We have the power, through our choices, to create the world we want to have and to be the people we want to be.
Annie’s Vegan View
I will endeavor to be a constant voice for the voiceless so that I do not contribute to the violence.
I will continue to believe that my contribution, however small, does make a positive difference.
May all beings be happy and free.
Hi Anne!
I really like Colleen’s quote, “We need to speak our truth in a kind and compassionate way without being attached to how that truth will affect another person”.
I guess we are not responsible for how the other person reacts to the truth or responds to it, if at all. We can only give people the facts and let them make their own mind up. This quote makes me feel better and highlights to me what I can do and what I cannot do and not feel bad about it if people choose not to change. I cannot be held responsible for what others choose to not do.
I really enjoyed the video. I have never seen Colleen speak before and hope to read some of her books soon.
Take care