Good Day,
when she was researching Veganism. I can’t tell you exactly how she became interested in this very important issue, but I can tell you that she is a girl with a big heart. Her main motivation is the plight of the nonhuman animals in this world who are caught in our cruel human industries and who cannot advocate for themselves.
Yes, we do hear about the occasional calf, pig or cow who escaped from a transport truck , or a slaughterhouse or a factory farm,but, for the most part, these beings spend their whole lives as production units (farm term) meant for our own personal use.
These beings are “held” (Colleen Patrick-Goudreau used this word in a tweet and I think it is an apt description) in factory farms, in a medical labs and zoos of some description.
Even nonhuman beings who are wild and roam free do not escape. Elephants are hunted and murdered for their tusks (ivory) and sharks for their fins(Shark Fin Soup). Dolphins are hunted, and captured and imprisoned in Zoos and Dolphinariums. Those who are not deemed suitable for display are brutally murdered and used as food or simply discarded.
So, all this to say that I believe that nonhuman animals rely on our understanding, our compassion and our help to relieve their present suffering and to advocate for their freedom.
I came to Veganism in my mid to late fifties. I am sixty one now-boy, that almost hurts to see it in print, but what can one do about the facts? Sigh! Some of you may know that I was plagued with some chronic health issues that were compromising my life.
I believe that I am a compassionate person and that I don’t like to see anyone suffer. This empathy, my health issues and the discussions I was having with my daughter compelled me to try Veganism. Over time, I progressed from trying Veganism to Being Vegan.
While it is never too late to make a positive change, I realize that I have jumped into the ring quite late in the fight. That is why I am so thrilled that there is a whole new generation of people coming up who will learn early on what veganism is, what is happening in our nonhuman animal industries, and why nonhuman animals are sentient beings, worthy, in their own right, of our respect.
There is a light being shone on this life altering issue for the nonhuman animals and, by extension, for us. This is thanks to the tireless work of people out in the field, dedicating their lives to delivering the message of freedom for nonhuman animals.
People who continue to inspire me are:
Dr. Will Tuttle of the World Peace Diet,
Jo-Anne McArthur of We Animals,
Norm Phelps of Animals and Ethics
Colleen-Patrick Goudreau of Compassionate Cooks.
There are many other people who are passionate about, and dedicated to, this cause and I am attempting to learn of them and read about them as time goes on.
I continue to research and to learn and to fine tune what it means to me to be Vegan. First and foremost I believe that, Veganism, by definition, is a philosophy of life. It is not a diet, not a health issue(unless we are talking about the health of the nonhuman animals) and not a plan to save the planet from environmental disaster.
It is about not breeding nonhuman animals for our own use (as food, for furniture, for clothing, medical experiments, for our entertainment). It is about not hunting or poaching. It is about giving them their freedom.
And it is about inclusion. It is about guiding those of us who do not understand what is going on. One we see, once we understand, we will not be able turn away. Therein lies our own salvation.
Until next time,
May all beings be happy and free.
As usual – so many good points! I think it’s so important that you continue to point out the difference between “eating vegan” and “being vegan”. I must admit that I struggle when I hear people say that they are “mostly vegan” or as Mark Bittman says “Vegan Before 6(pm)”. I think that every little bit helps – but the language is a problem…
Thanks for confirming what I feel about the importance of language in our goal to help people get back in touch with their compassion as regards the plight of nonhuman animals in this world.
It is funny that you should mention Mark Bittman, because Norm Phelps mentions him several times in his book, “Changing the Game” In 2012, Bittman wrote an article in which he talks about the suffering of nonhuman animals in our nonvegan world. He admits to thinking somewhat differently about things now. I think I will cover it in one of my posts, but here is the link for you until then.