Good Morning,
So, I have been tired for the last couple of days. I put it down to recovering from the frivolity of the holiday season. I have been busy putting Xmas to bed and was getting closer to resuming my regular routine. And then it hit me last nite-sore throat, blocked ears, stuffy nose and dizziness. My daughter had this when she was here during the holidays. So, let’s call it the gift that keeps on giving!

Now, this morning my head is all fuzzy and I am not thinking very clearly, but this setback has set me thinking about this issue. I have encountered out there in the non-vegan world, a general perception that vegans should not get sick. I think this is because many non vegans choose to believe that we are vegan for reasons of health alone. We are eating lots of fruits and veggies which everyone knows are good for us, so we must be immune to illness. Being vegan does not necessarily mean that one eats well-a vegan could live on soft drinks (pop, soda) and chips and still be a vegan in the truest sense of the word if this person chose not to use any by product of non human animals for his or her own use. For example, this vegan might be obliged to sit on a leather seat from time to time, but would never buy or have such a seat in his or her house or buy it as a gift for someone.
One of the benefits for me since I began this journey is that I have fallen in love with the concept of a whole foods, plant based diet. I work every day to learn more about it and to live by it. So, I have very few processed foods in my house (got rid of the crackers, for instance, even though I love Mary’s crackers with almond butter). I include raw fruit and veggies in my diet every day and I try to stay away from sugar (the big stumbling block for me). But, I am not a machine, so, yes, vegans who eat well still do get sick.
So what’s my plan to get better? Get lots of rest, relaxation and juicing . This morning’s concoction of watermelon, orange and fresh ginger is sure to help.



Until next time.
May all beings be happy and free.



7 thoughts on “EVEN VEGANS GET SICK

  • January 4, 2014 at 6:48 pm

    I found the blog, again! I enjoyed reading EVERY post. The photos add a lovely touch. I have no doubt that you will inspire many as you create awareness and encourage introspection.

  • January 4, 2014 at 6:56 pm

    This IT stuff is driving me crazy. I want to reply as vegangrammieannie. Let’s see if this works. GRRR!

  • January 4, 2014 at 11:01 pm

    Anne, the photos look great and the blog even better. Very good article – I am sure there are many misperceptions of vegans and vegetarians, and normalizing health issues like thiis is a good way to correct them via first hand experience.

    D=o you think making a sudden change to a vegan diet (or to any new lifestyle change) after many years of a non-vegan diet is a shock to the body and perhaps by extension to the immune system? I wonder if colds/ flus are more likley during such transitions if they are stressors on the body? Curious about your thoughts on this.

    • January 4, 2014 at 11:17 pm

      I researched this some time ago and I learned that like with any sustained change in life, the body goes through a process of adaptation. That is what detox is all about. The immune system is a complex entity and no doubt is affected as well, both positively and negatively. I think that one must look for when making such a change are the small improvements in hair, skin, sleep, etc.

  • January 5, 2014 at 4:24 am

    I think journey is the right word for this ! I think as long as we make a conscious effort on a daily basis to b aware of what we put in our mouths and what alternate healthier whole choices we can make . We all have different reason for getting to the same place to want to make a change in our diets and lifestyle but your passion to me is infectious and I love that you have given a voice to a choice that many people still don’t understand nor understand the benefits of it . Can’t wait to read and discuss more !

    • January 5, 2014 at 2:39 pm

      Hey Alley,

      Thank you for your comments and your support. I agree that conscious effort is key-I think that many people call this mindful awareness. I am mindful that every day I choose to be vegan so that non human animals can choose to live the way nature intended. I too look forward to further discussion. As a member of the healing arts community, you have much to contribute. Merci!! Anne


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